The RHINO Wet Waste Interceptor reduces the amount of wet waste solids and grease typically contained in waste water generated by restaurants and commercial kitchens in food preparations and pre-rinse sinks.
Liquid containing wet waste from sinks is directed to the RHINO unit where it flows through a specially designed filter. The elasticity of the filter material creates passages for liquid to escape while retaining the wet solids.
The filtration bag is changed in seconds without fuss or mess facilitated by an easy clip on system. The bag can be put out with regular waste.
Want to learn more about the RHINO? Contact us here!
- Reduces the amount of wet waste solids and grease flowing into draining systems.
- Reduces clogging and maintenance of drainage piping.
- Reduces costs to municipalities of treating sewage at treatment plants.
- Reduces the number of grease trap cleanings required.
- Reduces the odor created by a grease trap.
- Greatly reduces the need for costly biotechnology (bacteria treatments).
- Reduces airborn bacteria in kitchen.
Meets waste water discharge compliance standards.

- Pizza parlours (*AMD Filter)
- Grocery stores (*AMD Filter)
- Nursing homes (*AMD Filter)
- Hospitals (*AMD Filter)
- Coffee shops (*NHD Filter)
- Opticians (*NHD Filter)
- Restaurants (*AMD Filter)
- Commercial kitchens (*AMD Filter)
- Residences (*AMD Filter)
- Septic tanks (less servicing, *NHD Filter)
- School cafeterias (*AMD Filter)
*recommended filter type

Want to learn more about the RHINO? Click here!
Fisher Laboratories were commissioned to study the RHINO Wet Waste Interceptor in an on-site installation. The results were astounding, not only for the customer using the RHINO, but also for the benefit of the environment.

Independent Studies of the RHINO™ Wet Waste Interceptor
Fisher Associates Environmental Engineers Limited: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Rhinocan Filtration Inc. has developed an at-soucre solution which will decrease the cleaning frequency and blockages of pipes, drains and grease traps. The units are installed before the drains or grease traps. The MOEE Sewer-Use by-laws regulate the Biological Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids, Oil and Grease loading to the sewer system. Yearly loadings to the sewer system are expensive in the treatment of waste. Also this pre-filtration system would reduce the amount of waste that would not be efficiently removed by the preexisting grease trap. Fisher Environmental tested the efficiency of the system in decreasing the above three parameters. Four restaurants in the Toronto area were sampled in the study. In most cases, the removal of total suspended solids, oil and grease were greater than 75%. The Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) removal ranges from 40 to 90% depending on the restaurant’s qualities. The optimum removal occurred after the filter bag was preconditioned with solid particulate matter.
Maxxam Analytics Inc., an independent laboratory, ran a series of tests with the RHINO to test the waste water stream of kitchen sink drains at five locations for the following items:
- Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
2. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
3. Fats Oils and Grease (FOGS)
Testing ports were put under the sinks in front of the Rhino units top entry port, after the RHINO units exit port, in front of the grease trap entry, and after the grease trap exit port to the city sewage system. A quick summary of the test results are as follows:
RHINO unit and grease trap
- TSS 89.50% Reduction
- BOD 87.27% Reduction
- FOGS 92.37% Reduction
RHINO unit
- TSS 85.53% Reduction
- BOD 80.03% Reduction
- FOGS 89.78% Reduction
A specially designed filtration membrane with unique characteristics to capture wet waste solids and grease. A user friendly retaining ring allows replacement in seconds.


Approximate filter usage and solids (TSS) removal in tons from the Orange County Waste Water System with the Rhino Wet Waste Interceptors in place.
The Rosen Plaza has had Rhinos for 760 days the other 5 properties for 670 days.
Shingle Creek: 23 Rhinos 670 Days 204 Boxes of 30 filters per box 6120 filters with an average of 10 lbs of solids per filter 61,200 lbs of solids removed 30.6 TONS REMOVED 91.34 of solids removed per day
Rosen Centre: 10 Rhinos 670 Days 56 Boxes of 30 filters per box 1680 filters with an average of 10 lbs per filter 16,800 lbs of solids removed 8.4 TONS REMOVED 25.07 lbs of solids removed per day
Rosen Plaza: 8 Rhinos 760 Days 54 Boxes of 30 Filters per Box 1620 filters with and average of 10 lbs per filter 16,200 lbs of solids removed 8.1 TONS REMOVED 21.31 lbs of solids removed per day
Rosen Inn: 4 Rhinos 670 days 32 boxes of 30 filters per box 960 filters with an average of 10lbs of solids per filter 9,600 lbs of solids removed 4.8 TONS REMOVED 14.32 lbs of solids removed per day
Rosen Clarion: 4 Rhinos 670 days 24 Boxes of 30 filters per box 720 filters with an average of 10 lbs per filter 7,200 lbs of solids removed 3.6 TONS REMOVED 10.74 lbs of solids removed per day
Quality Inn: 2 Rhinos 670 days 15 boxes of 30 filters per box 450 filters with an average of 10lbs per filter 4,500 lbs of solids removed 2.25 TONS REMOVED 1.71 lbs per day.